Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My New Baby

OK, I figured this deserved a dedicated post...but just haven't got round to it til now.

Here's my new baby "Smooch"

He's just totally adorable, but unfortunately only spoke japanese when he arrived LOL!

He gets his nickname from his little birthmark ;o)

So far not much jealousy between the kids - they all want to play with him.

The first night he was home he didn't have a bed (bag) to sleep in & was just sitting on the thing you know Raven walks into the loungeroom with the strap over his head & handling like he's his own - whatever babe!!

Daddy caught him & then the lip dropped, the frown appeared & Ravey wasn't a happy camper - but did learn his lesson - phew!

In an effort to get to know my baby better I will be joining the embellished girls in a 10 week online (free) photography course starting the first week of July..feel free to join us :o)

OK, I'm making this short & sweet cos I lost an hour in the supermarket today...I could have sworn I'd be home by 12...but when I checked the clock it was 1pm...still 1 when I double checked LOL.


Lali said...

Looking good Kelly, have fun with it won't you

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, great looking 'baby' you have there Kelly....congrats!

I'm off to check out the course now.

Anonymous said...

Your new baby is beautiful Kelly, you must be very proud!