Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Word

The first newsletter of the year from Ali Edwards suggested starting the new year with a word to focus on.....I have seen some very cool words selected by other people but my word is ROMANCE.

I thought it was a little strange when it popped into my head...I'm usually more of a strength, determination or focus kind of gal...but I love it...really starting to warm to it. PMS is getting in the way a little, but once I'm through the next couple of days I'll be sailing on romance LOL!

To me romance encompasses so many things...the romance between a man & woman, the romance of seasons...summer loving, winter wonderland, the undeniable romance of leaves falling from the trees in Autumn & the promise of romance when the blossoms appear in spring...then there's the romance of childhood memories & I really want to take the time this year to capture some special memories for Taigy & Raven.

I think it will probably take all year to discover the many facets of the word...and i think you'll definately see it influence my work.

So here's to a year of ROMANCE :o)


Hannah said...

Lovely page, Kelly! And great word choice. I never really thought about how romance applies to so many things OTHER than a "lover's" relationship. So you've inspired me to have more romance in my life too!

Kimberly White said...

Love your page and your word! May your year be full of romance! Kim

camport said...

love the journaling on the word is "go." explanation on my blog.