Monday, September 18, 2006

I need a haircut

This boof head is what I woke up to this morning.....every morning I look in the mirror & think "I need a haircut" but I don't go & get one - what's up with that???

I think I may be trying to grow it... I kind of like the style I had when I met Wayne...but it was also coloured & that's just extra maintainence - not to mention $$$ that could be spent on scrapping supplies ;o)

So, I guess I'm waiting to see what my tolerance level is for this boof... I tell ya if the clippers were sharp I might just shave it all off....but the last time I shaved Wayno's head with them he was flinching every 2 minutes - so that's not an option today LOL!!!


Terri B said...

I know what you mean about getting haircuts etc. I love having my hair long but it irritates me all the time being in my face. When its short it means I HAVE to get a haircut all the time. *sigh* a no win situation really.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I usually go about once a, always put the kids first, its one of those things that I go and get it cut and coloured, do a big catch up then vow and declare I'll go every six weeks and never get around to the problem with growing it from short is putting up with that 'inbetween stage'....

Anonymous said...

Nice to put a face to the name. I agree with what Lisa said. it's the in between stage that is the annoying bit.

Sandra said...

You'd have been very fashionable in a different era Kelly...when boof was in. IKWYM about the long, growing it thing. Mine is long and I'd love to have it short again but can't bear the thought of wanting it long again and then having to grow it. Are we ever happy???

Christi said...

Kelly when I was in school my hair was shorter than yours only because my step-mom couldn't be bothered with my hair. When I was about 16 I started growing it out. MAN!!! How smart was that at that age?!?!? I took forever and I constantly got made fun of cause there wasn't much I could do and wore a headband forever lol. I'm the same as Terri, I hate my hair in my face so it's always pulled back but like the option of wearing it down when I want to as well. I don't know that I would ever return to short hair. If I can't put it back then it annoys me. I will only ever cut it short enough to just fit in a ponytail but that's it. Such a dilemma!

Cherie said...

Thanks for poping in to my blog,

Goodness your hair looks good compaired to mine in the morning....I know what you mean with the hair thing, I have had a short pixi cut for the last 10 years butI have started growing it out in the last 12 months and what a pain that has been. LOL

Take care
Cherie xx