Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I found my motivator!!

Before & after pics...yes I love it..have been testing this concept today.. I also updated my 21 day challenge entry...added some meaning to my habit..Actually decided on my habit to work on..."getting organised"

I've managed Taigy's room. on the 4th load of washing & got the lounge room done..phew!

Mind you Ravey had a HUGE sleep 10 til 2.30...wonderful, perfect, angelic child :o)

The little area in the corner is my attempt to Montessorify our home. Problem is I haven't taught the kids to put their toys back in their places yet.

I had Dr Phil on while I was tidying & he was reminding me that its my responsibilty to make sure my kids grow up to be able to function in the owrld...I'm all for that...independent capable kids. Taig is so cute when she folds her jammies & I'll have to do a LO of her folding the washing....tooo cute :o)

Well almost time to pick her up from pre-school..better quickly feed my little prince :o)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Great job, Kelly!!
10 til 2.30 ... OMG!!! That is one marathon nap session!! I'm SO jealous :-)