Thursday, June 01, 2006

Blog Headers

Great news...I found out how to add a pic to the top of my blog.

I have been wanting to do this for ages (a week hehehe) and now I have...I'll need to fix the pic though...followed someone else's instructions for creating the pic.

Do you want to know how? Just go on over to Lindsay Teague's blog for the instructions.

It's simple, but it's not easy :o)

I tried the village place for hosting photos, but I recommend photobucket my pics turn out much crisper from there for some reason.

But once you've done it you can update it whenever you like.

Now, if I can just get someone to tell me how to add the slideshow to my page........


Unknown said...

Cool! Can you teach me now?! LOL!

Hannah said...

I like it! I would love to do that with my blog but I'm too scared to change stuff on my template :-P